Monday, August 13, 2007

So sorry

It kills me to have to do this my friends, but I'm going to have to back out of the camping trip. Brian was not able to keep his current job until we heard from Voyageurs National Park so we had to make the tough decision to sell our home regardless of where Brian finds work. Not only can we not spend the money to travel to Wisconsin, but we have to spend every waking moment preparing the house to sell. The first night of camping is already paid for so anyone who'd like to still go is more than welcome to. Contact me to get the reservation info so I know whether or not to cancel the entire thing. Believe me, if there was anyway we could make it work, I'd be there in a heartbeat. Don't give up on me entirely - I do plan to keep posting things to our blog.
Enjoy the rest of your summer everyone!

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